Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Definition of a bad day....

Explaining to a teenage girl why exactly wearing a t-shirt that says "sperm dumpster" to school is inappropriate...telling a little girl she has to testify against these who raped her next week...coming home to a kid who has started having awful mood swings ( I think she's getting ready to start puberty)....I'm ready to crash...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Of blended families....

First let me say that God did not intend on couples to have blended families. However, when that happens, I firmly believe that the biological parent of the child should stand by the agreed upon consequences that were decided between the spouses for certian actions.
Example: when my stepson does not do the dishes, the agreed upon consequence was for him to lose TV and video game privileges for three days. The DH, however, just shrugs it off and says "oh, he'll do them tomorrow", and then has a screaming fit when our daughter doesn't do her chore, cleaning the litter box.
And when I try to discuss this with him, he starts being pissy and saying "well, if you want to leave, you have options".
Right now I wish they would both take a long walk off a short pier.
I can't wait until May 2015!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I hate dieting

And I especially hate low carbing. I hate that it makes me cranky and lightheaded for about the first week. And I hate that it's the only thing that works for me for weight loss.

I'm not lazy. I'm not opposed to exercise. In fact, I spent an hour a day for four months working out at the local gym. Guess what? Not a pound lost. I gained four. So here I am, day two of low carbing again and lightheaded and über bitchy. Should make for a fun night at the crack house where I work on weekends.

So I'm about to walk in, protein shake, salad and flavored water enhances in hand.

O joy.

A positive? The flavored water enhances contain caffeine. Yep! The food industry has found yet another way to take something healthy and make it unhealthy for human consumption.

At least it tastes good.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fun fun fun!!!

I went shooting for the first time (other than a 22 rifle 15 years ago) and it was AWESOME!!!! My cousin brought along her AK47 (I want one I want one!!!!) and a Marakov and a 22 handgun. I got to shoot her friends 357 revolver (my handgun accuracy was best with that one). I LOVED shooting the AK. Pictures to follow tomorrow, when I'm at a computer and not posting from my phone....
Anyway, I've never had a stress reliever that good; closest I've ever come was alcohol or Ativan induced. I'm definately going to have to do that again!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

And this....

Check out this video on YouTube:

And more....

The truth is out there...

Scary paranoia of a tin foil hat person or the hidden truth? You decide!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012


So, we're 16 days into 2012 and I find myself already suffering 2012 doomsday hysteria. The earthquake app on my Iphone is going off more and more often; when I check it first thing in the morning, there's several earthquakes that have happened overnight...this is up from just one or two, most nights none a month and a half ago.
I was at work the night that the Oklahoma quake was felt in Joplin. Trust me, the residents at the facility I was at were quite "shaken up" by the experience. Which led me to always, always, always now having a flashlight on me at all times. One in the purse, one in the emergency backpack I keep with me in whatever vehicle I drive (complete with four different ways to start a fire. Yep. Four.).
Of any of this, my other half remains blissfully unaware. Why worry about Armageddon when the playoffs are on?
Polar shifting, nuclear threats, possible massive tsunami wiping out the eastern seaboard, earthquakes, the supervolcano at Yellowstone...this be the stuff of my nightmares. conspiracy theories, the Denver Airport hiding a massive underground bunker for America's wealthiest when 12/21/12 hits. And the rest of us are f*cked.
I hope this is nothing more than Y2K fears all over again. But the Mayans and Hopi didn't predict Y2K. They were silent on that topic. But 2012....
So, when I end up in the nuthouse because someone finds my aluminum foil wallet (gotta be careful now about RFID theft!), you'll know.
Or maybe I'm not so crazy and the poo is going to hit the fan. Whichever it is, I'm ready to move to the woods and build me a bunker.